Under Suspicion
Blues Profile
The current lineup in the band includes members who have performed with the best of the Twin Cities music scene such as, Lamont Cranston Band, Willy and the Bees, Three Below, The Butanes Soul Review, Shriley Witherspoon and Big Walter Smith.
Under Suspicions high energy dance show features veteran singers Phyllis Rutter and Lecily McKee, two women who have a great chemistry together. They each have years of experience performing in clubs, plus recording and jingle work.
Phyllis has appeared as a showcased singer for "Singing the Blues" and has won Minnesota Music awards for best recording and performing R&B blues band.
Lecily was a featured vocalist for the 1995 Twins season, singing the national anthem.
On lead guitar we have award winning Paul Holland, one of the best and most recognized players in the Twin Cities. Through many years of running his band Three Below, Paul has won the Knut-Koupe' Best Guitarist in the Twin Cities contest, and received a Minnesota Music Award for Best Original Blues Recording.
Drummer and leader of the band, Randy Olejnicak has been performing for over 20 years. With such local favorites as Sistermax, Visions, Shirley Whitherspoon, and 3 Below and has done recording with a wide variety of Artists.
The leader of the Suicide Horns is Scott Snyder. A veteran trumpet and flugel horn player. He has worked with Willy Murphy and the Bumble Bees, Big Walter Smith, the Butanes Soul Review as well as recording the trumpet parts heard so predominately in the Suburbs Releases.
Bassist Jerry Richardson has been with Under Suspicion since moving to the Twin Cities 6 years ago.
Keyboardist Dale Peterson is the newest member of the group and brings that classic Hammond B3 sound.
On tenor sax is recent U of Wisconson graduate Tom Lauer.
Rounding out the group is baritone sax man Mike Olander, who also leads his own brass ensemble.
As you can see Under Suspicion is a very experienced group of musicians who've been around entertaining for years and I'm sure we could do that for you.
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